O vestido mais bizarro da Internet chega às marcas
O mistério de hoje nas redes sociais – afinal o vestido é branco e dourado ou azul e preto? – foi aproveitado pelas marcas de forma divertida e original. Descubra como.
As cores deste vestido são o pomo da discórdia desta sexta-feira, 27 de Fevereiro de 2015.
What color is this dress: White and Gold or Blue and Black?! http://t.co/gG27rAMVJy pic.twitter.com/Q9rNTSexln
— BuzzFeed Community (@BuzzFeeders) February 27, 2015
#whiteandgold or #blackandblue? We found a way around science- you can have both! #TheDress #dressgate pic.twitter.com/5oj3ZTqOWk — LEGO (@LEGO_Group) February 27, 2015
Proud to be black & white, or is it white & black? #TheDress — Drinkaware.ie pic.twitter.com/Turyk9zYfc
— Guinness Ireland (@GuinnessIreland) February 27, 2015
Definitely Red and White! #HaveAbreak #TheDress #breakfromthedress #TeamRedAndWhite pic.twitter.com/BFVVMRGn5m — KITKAT (@KITKAT) February 27, 2015
You’re not the only ones @Cirque! We see blue & yellow too 🙂 #TheDress pic.twitter.com/jOcsQrOCUN
— IKEA USA (@IKEAUSA) February 27, 2015
Why does everyone keep calling us Gold and White now? What’s going on, Internet?! #TheDress#WhatColorsAreThisDresspic.twitter.com/Hz4xGr7DzZ — M&M’S® Brand (@mmschocolate) February 27, 2015